New Testament Greek Reading Week course
This is a course that is open to any students who have completed the introductory Greek in a Week course and/or knows and understands most of the basics of Koine (New Testament) Greek and is looking for more practice with a tutor and fellow learners to improve their translation skills.
As this is the first time we will have run this course in this way, we wish to run it as in-person only as long as there are enough participants to enable it to be viable via this mode of delivery. We will take requests for online participation to form a waiting list if an online option is made available.
Over four days of intensive study, this reading week will provide you with a community of peers to read and learn alongside, working through New Testament texts and engaging in conversation about these texts and the world from which they came.
Sessions will begin at 9am on Monday, 13 January and will run each day and evening (with afternoon breaks) until late afternoon on Thursday, 16 January.
with Stuart MacWilliam
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