Windows onto the Passion: The Passion in Art course
This second session of Windows onto the Passion with Ayla Lepine will focus on the devotional tradition of the Stations of the Cross, with an exploration of art by women including Frida Kahlo, Sybil Andrews and Julia Margaret Cameron. Across a wide range of materials and approaches, new ways to journey with Jesus in his final hours can emerge, transforming our vision of Christ’s Passion and modern art’s engagement with theology.
The third and final session on The Passion, Self-Denial and Letting Go with Susanna Snyder on April 2 will explore the Passion through the lens of self-denial and letting go—or, to use the Greek term, kenosis. How helpful is it to understand Christ’s Passion as an act of self-sacrifice, and how might we re-imagine self-denial and letting go in our contemporary society, church and ministry?
The first session, The Passion and the Bible with Jayme Reaves is 19 March
About the series
This series of three online evening courses offer some different windows—lenses—onto the Passion. While the story of Jesus’s last week from his entry into Jerusalem through to his crucifixion on Good Friday is familiar to Christians, this series will offer new angles and creative approaches on these narratives. As well as providing a reflective space—an opportunity to pause during Lent—these courses will also offer some fresh resources and insights for those preaching and leading worship during Lent and Passiontide. Each evening will include a lecture, short break and time for discussion between participants and the tutors.
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