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One-year study themes in Theology, Imagination and Culture
You can tailor postgraduate study programmes in all sorts of ways. If you want to just do a year of study and concentrate on a specific theme within Theology, Imagination and Culture, here are possible pathways, each with either a September or a January start date.
View the courses and events calendar here
Visit the Theology, Imagination and Culture postgraduate programme page here
Theme: Theology and Art
Modules: Text, Interpretation and Imagination + Inspiration and Imagination: Creative Expressions of the Spiritual Life + Either a Guided Reading or Guided Artist Study module
Theme: Reading the Bible Through History
Modules: Text, Interpretation and Imagination + The Bible: Cultural Critique and Transformation + either Texts in the Christian Tradition or Theology and Human Culture
Theme: Imagination and Theology
Text, Interpretation and Imagination + Texts in the Christian Tradition + Inspiration and Imagination: Creative Expressions of the Spiritual Life
Theme: Interrogating Texts
Modules: Theology, Interpretation and Imagination + Texts in the Christian Tradition + Foundations and Forms of Christian Spirituality or Guided Reading
Theme: Theology, Church and Contemporary Culture
Modules: Text, Interpretation and Imagination + Relocating Religion OR Guided Reading + Church, Culture and Society
Theme: New Ways of Thinking About Religion
Modules: Modern and Post-Modern Perspectives on Christian Spirituality + Relocating Religion + Texts in the Christian Tradition
Theme: Theology and Art
Modules: Inspiration and Imagination: Creative Expressions of the Spiritual Life + Theology and Human Culture + Text, Interpretation and Imagination or Guided Artist Study
Theme: Reading the Bible Through History
Modules: Foundations and Forms of Christian Spirituality* or Theology and Human Culture + Text, Interpretation and Imagination + Texts and Christian Tradition
*choosing this module means the degree is in Christian Spirituality
Theme: Imagination and Theology
Modules: Inspiration and Imagination: Creative Expressions of the Spiritual Life + Foundations and Forms of Christian Spirituality + Theology and Film or Texts in the Christian Tradition or Guided Artist Study
Theme: Interrogating Texts
Modules: Theology and Human Culture + Text, Interpretation and Imagination or Guided Reading + Texts in the Christian Tradition
Theme: Theology, Church and Contemporary Culture
Modules: Theology and Human Culture + Text, Interpretation and Imagination or Guided Reading + either Mass Culture: Theological Engagement and Spiritual Practice or Theology and Film
Theme: New Ways of Thinking About Religion
Modules: Theology and Human Culture + Modern and Post-Modern perspectives on Christian Spirituality + Texts in the Christian Tradition
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