Here’s a sample of some of the treasures you’ll find in the Sarum College Library as part of Libraries Week.
Jayne Downey, Sarum College Librarian, also has compiled ‘The Bible in English – A Potted History’ The Bible in English or available in the library.
(Bible – 1545)
Biblia. Quid in hac editione praestitum sit, vide in ea quam Operi Praeposuimus, ad Lectorem Epistola.
Luteliae, ex Officina Roberti Stephani, typographi, regii, MDXLV. Cum Privilegio Regis.
The Bible. For whatever is proposed in this edition, refer to the preface, the letter to the reader.
The preface states that this version is a faithful translation into Latin from the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the Apocrypha. (It does not include the New Testament). There is a summary of biblical themes with reference both to the O.T. and the N.T.
The Historie of the Holy Warre, by Thomas Fuller, B.D., Prebendarie of Sarum, late of Sidney College in Cambridge.
Printed by Thomas Buck, one of the printers to the Universitie of Cambridge. 1639.
A history of the Holy Land form the sack of Jerusalem by Titus in 72 CE down to the final defeat of the Christians in 1291. A supplement discusses related events and issues. The frontispiece illustrates the course of the Crusades. (“We went out full but returned empty”) and there is a map of the Holy Land.
Thomas Fuller (1608 – 1661) was a prolific and erudite author, a Royalist who suffered during the Commonwealth but was restored to his livings and his prebend in 1660. (New DNB Vol.21. pp. 159-163).
Ecclesia Restaurata: or, the History of the Reformation of the Church of England: Conth lots of notes – 1661)taining the Beginning, Progress and Successes of it; the Counsels, by which it was conducted; the Rules of Piety, and Prudence upon which it was Founded; the several steps, by which it was promoted, or retarded, in the Change of Times:
From the first Preparations to it by King Henry the Eight, untill the Legal Setting, and Establishment of it under Queen Elizabeth:
Together with the Intermixture of such Civil Actions, and Affairs of State, as either were Co-incident with it, or related to it.
By Peter Heylyn.
London, Printed for H. Twyford, T. Dring, J. Place, W. Palmer; to be sold in Vine-Court, Middle temple, the George in Fleet Street, Furnival’s Inne Gate in Holborn and the Palm Tree in Fleet Street. MDCLXI
Peter Heylyn, 1559 – 1662, historian, was associated with the Laudian movement and advocated a moderate view of the Reformation. This is the first volume of a trilogy. (See New Dictionary of National Biography, vol 26, pp 954 – 959)
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