It is with a heavy heart that we say a fond farewell to our dear friend and colleague Linda Cooper who joined the small staff of Sarum College on 18 September 1995 as PA to the Principal following her end of career service in the Army.
As the college grew her role evolved, first as College Secretary then as Residential Services Manager and finally Director of Hospitality, the role from which she retired on Sunday 31 May 2020 amidst the pandemic – no where near how she had imagined nor would have chosen to end her time at Sarum!
‘I have enjoyed my second career spent at Sarum College immensely,’ Linda says. ‘I was very grateful to be offered the job, never thinking I would move into an equally fulfilling job after leaving the Army. The many colleagues, I have worked with, the people I have met, the friends I have made have made it all very special, and brought so much into my working and social life.
‘As a ‘people’ person I thrive on conversations with others, I love to help, and going the extra mile is part of my psyche. So the role at Sarum College felt as though it was made for me.
‘I have every intention of supporting the College, in any way I can. I wish and hope for a good future for Sarum College in the months and years to come. In these early days of retirement, I miss the college routine, very much. It will always be a place and time that I will treasure with love.’
‘Linda Cooper has given over 25 years of her life to Sarum College,’ says Principal James Woodward. ‘She knows the building and community so well. She has been instrumental in ensuring that our life and work is well ordered. She has supported staff. She has seen generations of students formed for the work of ministry. She has welcomed countless numbers of visitors and groups through the doors of 19 The Close. Hard-working, forbearing, steady, kind-hearted and generous, Linda deserves her retirement. We thank her for all that she has given and look forward to her ongoing friendship and support.‘
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