Ikon, an engraving by Robyn Golden-Hann carved from Portland stone with gold leaf, is the newest addition to Sarum College’s collection of art on long-term loan.
The carving is inspired by the tradition of icon painting (or ‘writing’) in the Eastern Orthodox churches.
Behind the figure of Christ is the Greek word ichthus, meaning ‘fish’ but is also an acrostic to indicate Christian faith:
The Greek lettering is an acrostic; each representing the first letters of the statement Jesus Christ God’s Son, Saviour. In his hand Christ holds a Latin inscription, the first line from the Gospel of St John. ‘In the beginning was the Word’. John 1:1
Robyn says this about her work:
‘The unattended moment is one in which the Divine may make itself known to us as deep calls out to deep. Icons have long been used as “windows into eternity”, creative tools which may help us dwell within the Divine moment. This icon is based upon a drawing I did many years ago which had miraculously survived many upheavals. Upon re-discovering the sketch it asked to be carved into stone, the creative process itself being one of unattended-attention.‘
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