Dear Friends,
I am writing this from home on Maundy Thursday with the sun streaming through the window and little sign of noise or life amongst my neighbours. The birds are singing and the silence is both a little perturbing because it is so unusual but also calming. Keeping some sort of rhythm and pattern seems to be part of our coping mechanisms in these days.
We are all, of course, blessed by technology. The flow of emails with colleagues has already started and I hope at some stage we shall have our video conference call. Sarum College may be physically closed to visitors for the time being but work continues. We are enriched by the wonderful messages of support that we have had. Please keep in touch with us.
My colleagues join with me in wishing you a happy Easter. We hope that you are keeping well and bearing up. Our prayer is that hope and peace and conquering love of this season may take shape in us and find confident expression as we work together to rebuild, reconnect and celebrate all that is good about our life.
We send you our love. If there are concerns, situations or people that you would like us to pray about and for then please get in touch.
Sarum College Principal
The Revd Canon Professor James Woodward
PS From Easter Sunday we have two new series for you on the Sarum College Blog.
Let us know what you think by writing in the Comments section of the post or email us.
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