Photographs by Ash Mills Photography
Refurbishment of Sarum College Kitchen Underway.
Sarum College guests – including visiting choirs singing in Salisbury Cathedral this summer – continue to enjoy freshly cooked meals thanks to the early-morning arrival of a five-tonne temporary kitchen on July 29th.
Undeterred by the logistical challenges of navigating a medieval Cathedral Close, the team from Dawsonrentals Ltd delivered the temporary kitchen without a hitch (however close it sometimes looked!). In the final stage of the delivery, the kitchen was hoisted over the college wall and wheeled into place on the grass behind the main college entrance.
The full gallery of pictures are on the Sarum College Flickr page.
More groups than ever are choosing to meet and stay at Sarum College. The strain this has put on the 40-year-old kitchen facilities has meant this project has become a top priority for the college. Over the next month the kitchen will be completely gutted so the space can be redesigned and new equipment brought in. The result will enhance the kitchen and dining area so that it is more attractive, energy efficient and effective in meeting the growing demand for events, functions and external catering.
While this work goes on the College will continue to cater for the staff, students and guests. The Cavell Room has been transformed into a temporary dining room to ensure both bodily as well as spiritual needs continue to be met!
Sarum College is an education charity which receives no funding from government or church bodies. This project has been funded primarily by a grant from the Mrs RP Tindall Trust. Other funds have come from the July 2014 Community Matters (green token) scheme at the Waitrose store on Churchill Way. Friends of Sarum College and private donors also have responded generously to an appeal for funds for the project.
If Sarum is able to secure enough funding, the next phase of work will be the refurbishment of the Common Room, a relaxed space for breaks, informal meetings and evening gatherings. We hope to begin this phase of works in December.
If you would like more information on how you can support Sarum College, contact Christine Nielsen-Craig, Director of Marketing and Development.
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