The poet Mary Oliver’s words seem especially apt in the circumstances:
‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’ (from her poem, The Summer Day)
If now seems a good time to try something new, why not have a go at a one of our modules? Develop your understanding of theological issues to strengthen your personal and professional life.
These are being taught online so you can join hassle-free from wherever you are.
There are four modules (descriptions below) from University of Winchester-validated programmes to choose from. Anyone can join as an ‘auditor’ which means you participate in a module in exactly the same way as students on the MA, without preparing an essay and gaining academic credit.
Each module is £300 (£125 if you are a current postgraduate student).
Follow the links below for registration and payment details

Contemporary Christian Spirituality
Mon 15 to Thurs 18 June 2020
Explore and critically evaluate relationships between Christian Spirituality and non-Christian spiritualities.
Students will be introduced to the important role that Platonic and other philosophical traditions within antiquity played in shaping Christian Spirituality.
Enrol here.

Worship, Art and Architecture
Mon 15 to Thur 18 June 2020
The space in which Christian worship takes place is influenced by the culture of the age and place as well as ecclesiology.
This module will investigate church buildings and their art in significant historical periods to highlight the way each artefact is the result of a confluence of variables.
Enrol here.

Personal Development
Mon 15 to Thurs 18 June 2020
This module will make a methodological and hermeneutical study of contemporary management strategies for using feedback to develop and evaluate personal development plans in a variety of both faith-based and secular contexts.
Enrol here.
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