The monumental wire and bronze sculptures of artist Sophie Ryder will be exhibited in Salisbury’s Cathedral Close from February 12th.
The sculpture display is part of a city-wide exhibition of Ryder’s work led by Salisbury Cathedral. Sarum College is among the participating venues, which includes Salisbury Museum and The Young Gallery.
Through her wire sculptures and bronze Minotaur and Lady-Hare series, Sophie investigates relationships. A blend of human and animal forms lend otherness to the subjects and the range of emotions they express.
The bronze sculpture, Kneeling Lovers with Dogs, will be exhibited at the front of the College.
From 16 February, the exhibition continues inside the College with ink on paper, etchings, screen and solar prints.
Relationships, curated by Jacquiline Creswell, opens on 12 February with sculptures and life-size bronzes in the Cathedral Close with further works installed inside the Cathedral from 9 April. A recreation of a studio environment exploring how Sophie works opens at Salisbury Museum on 20 February. Salisbury’s Young Gallery is exhibiting paintings, smaller 3D work and wire drawings from 7 May to 18 June.
Exhibition Times & Dates
Sarum College
Free and open daily from 12 February for outdoor sculptures (indoor works from 16 February) through to 3 July
Salisbury Cathedral
Exterior exhibition 12 February to 3 July 2016; interior exhibition 9 April to 3 July 2016
Free guided art tours plus group craft activities on request (subject to availability)
Salisbury Museum
Recreation of studio environment 20 February to 9 July
£6 group tickets
Young Gallery Salisbury
Smaller 3D work and wire drawings from 7 May to 18 June
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