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Sarum College has a limited number of bursaries available for UK residents who would be unable to study with us without financial support. We use clear criteria for awarding bursaries, but earlier applicants may receive preference where all other application eligibility criteria are equivalent.
See below for details on the four types of bursaries we offer: academic programmes, hardship funds, disability and short course study grants. The conditions of application apply to all bursaries, and the application form below applies to all four bursary types.
Supporting the Bursary Fund
We are grateful to the Community of St Denys Trustees for their generous contribution to the College’s bursary funds in July 2024.
Sarum also works in partnership with St Boniface Trust to offer respite breaks and pastoral support at the College for Anglican clergy experiencing a physical, mental and/or spiritual crisis.
If you would like to support theological learning for all, please donate online or contact us at funding@sarum.ac.uk.
Sarum College’s funding support schemes offer financial support to independent learners (i.e. to students not fully funded by sponsoring bodies) with financial barriers to learning at the point of application for a Sarum College course. Funding is limited and is only available to UK residents. These bursaries are competitive and in line with our commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion (see conditions on pg 5 of the application). Special consideration in the application process will be given to those who have historically found access to theological higher education more difficult:
These factors do not preclude any applicant from being eligible for funding, however.
For formal programmes such as the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at Sarum College, a designated amount of money is set aside each year for bursaries. These funds will be distributed to applicants to ensure the number and quality of students with access to study who might not have been able to study otherwise. Bursaries will cover up to 50% of the total fee cost, depending on need. The funding panel reserves the right to adjust the amount of the award based on the number and quality of applications and funds available.
Bursaries contribute to tuition fees only (not maintenance or other costs) and are for taught programmes and/or designated short courses for which the student will gain the most benefit. We are not currently in a position to offer research scholarships through this fund.
To apply for an undergraduate or postgraduate bursary for non-sponsored, independent study, please complete the funding application form and submit it to funding@sarum.ac.uk.
Bursary application deadlines outlined on the application form are determined by the course application and fee payment dates. Due to the nature of the bursary funding allocation for each year, we regret that we cannot guarantee that funds will be available to all applicants who meet the criteria.
Bursary funding will be considered by a panel comprised of the Director of Academic Development, the Programme Leader(s), the Principal, and a member of the Finance Department.
Please contact either the Director of Academic Development or the Programme Leader of the relevant programme for which you are applying if you have any questions about this stream of funding.
While studying at Sarum College, we recognise that some students may experience financial hardship which could have a negative impact on their studies, or compromise their ability to continue their studies. Sarum College is committed to supporting all the members of its diverse learning community. As such, current students may apply for interest-free hardship funds in the form of a grant or a loan if faced with financial hardship which negatively impacts their studies.
Financial hardship may be due to numerous factors: changes in employment, family, or other circumstances, such as an increase in household expenses, etc. Hardship funds can be used to cover costs directly related to studying at Sarum (e.g. travel to and from a teaching week, accommodation while at Sarum, etc.) and depending on the basis upon which they are given may be offered as a grant or a loan.
To apply for a hardship grant or loan, please complete the funding application form and submit it to funding@sarum.ac.uk.
When applying for a grant, please be realistic about the expenses required for the remainder of the academic year. Any funds granted or lent to students are to be used for emergencies, urgent support, and/or other reasons that would otherwise negatively impact the student’s study if not met. Applications for this type of financial hardship require up to three supporting documents as evidence of need.
Hardship loans are offered to a student has access to funds, but only after the initial outlay has been made. For example, some sponsoring organisations may pay for a new computer on a reimbursement basis (i.e. the student needs to buy it first and then claim back the expense). It is recognised that not all students have access to capital to buy what they need in order to be reimbursed; therefore, the hardship loan mechanism is available in these cases. The hardship loan is made interest-free on a short-term basis and the amount is expected to be repaid within the academic year as soon as reimbursement has been made. Up to three supporting documents to evidence need are required with the application as noted above.
Students can request grants in any amount up to £500. If the period financial hardship continues beyond the duration of the grant, students may re-apply.
Short course participants are not eligible for hardship funding in any form.
While emergency hardship funding can be applied for at any time, anticipated need should be applied for within the application deadlines outlined on the application form. We regret that we cannot guarantee the availability of funds.
Hardship funding will be considered by a panel comprised of the Director of Academic Development, the Programme Leader(s), the Principal, and a member of the Finance Department.
Please contact either the Director of Academic Development or the identified Learning Support Officer if you have any questions about this stream of funding.
Sarum College is committed to supporting all the members of its diverse learning community. We recognise that our students cannot access state-funded disability support allowances, and, therefore, we are committed to ensuring that students with disabilities have access to a limited amount of funding to support their needs.
Disabled students may apply for a grant of up to £500 to cover additional costs relating to study and/or costs incurred because of their disability (e.g. the cost of paying for a carer’s accommodation at Sarum, technology to support their learning needs).
Sarum College reminds students and staff that students with Learning Support Plans are not required to pay extension fees.
Short course participants are not eligible for disability grants.
A disability grant can be applied for at any time. If the student’s disability-related needs change and the student incurs additional study-related costs as a result of this, the student may re-apply in the same year.
Due to the nature of the disability grant fund allocation for each year, we regret that we cannot guarantee the availability of funds and/or partial requests may be granted.
Disability funding will be considered by a panel comprised of the Director of Academic Development, the Programme Leader(s), the Learning Support Officer, the Principal, and a member of the Finance Department.
Please contact either the Director of Academic Development or the Learning Support Officer if you have any questions about this stream of funding.
Sarum College is committed to making learning as accessible as possible and we recognise that not all learners are in a position to study in formal taught programmes. A limited amount of bursary funding is available for those who wish to undertake study via the Sarum College Short Course programme. Funding is only available to students who are UK residents.
Preference will be given to applications from those who have historically found access to theological education more difficult:
Applications should outline their desired course(s) of study and provide evidence as requested in the application related to financial need. Applicants may apply for grants up to £150.00 per academic year (September-August).
We regret that we cannot guarantee short course bursary funds being available and/or partial requests may be granted. These funds will be allocated in September and March on a first-come, first-served basis for courses running in the following six months.
Short course bursary funding will be considered by a panel comprised of the Director of the Sarum Short Course Programme, the Director of Academic Development, the Principal, and a member of the Finance Department.
Please contact either the Director of the Sarum Short Course Programme or the Director of Academic Development if you have any questions about this stream of funding.
Unsuccessful Applications
We cannot guarantee funding to any applicant. If your application is unsuccessful, you will be notified via email.
You must meet the attendance/participation requirement of your course of study, even though the nature of ‘participation’ will differ depending on the course or programme of study. Continued support depends on proven attendance/participation and funding may be withdrawn or unavailable in the future if your participation is unsatisfactory to the programme requirements.
Withdrawal from a Course of Study
If you withdraw from your course, you will not receive further financial assistance. You may be required to repay any financial assistance you have been awarded, depending on the amount and remaining time of study. By accepting the funds, this condition is acknowledged. An appeal process can made by contacting the Director of Finance at Sarum College.
Equal Opportunities, Diversity, and Inclusion
Sarum College is committed to equality of opportunity. The aim is to create an environment in which people treat each other with mutual respect, regardless of age; disability; family responsibility; marital status; ethnicity; nationality; religion or belief; gender; gender identity; or sexual orientation.
Sarum College is also committed to equality for all and to extending access to learning to those who have been disenfranchised to theological higher education, and to ensuring broad access to a high-quality learning experience.
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