Sarum College trains lay leaders in a variety of ways, one of which is a partnership with Salisbury Diocese.
In 2015, 10 candidates for LLM ministry enrolled on our HE Diploma course alongside our ordinands. Several of these LLM students are on placements in a variety of expressions of Christian ministry and mission around the diocese.
“These are exciting times for the church as the continued development of creative lay ministry to serve the local context is enabling men and women discover and use their gifts in a multitude of ways, and enabling the Christian story be made known,” says the Rt Revd Karen Gorham, Bishop of Sherborne.
“Reader/LLM ministry has demonstrated over 150 years the rich contribution licensed ministers make as those with one foot in the church and one foot in the world. LLMs trained locally are involved in ministries that include Open the Book, Messy Church, chaplaincy, baptism preparation and social action projects.
The part Sarum College plays and will play in the equipping and training of individuals for lay ministry is significant and I look forward to seeing how we can develop this further in years to come.”
To mark the 150th anniversary of Reader ministry, we are celebrating this vocation through profiles of our students to highlight their aspirations for lay ministry, and the role to which they have been called.
Meet Chris Cox, first year Licensed Lay Ministry student ยป
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