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Dr Jane Shaw, Dean for Religious Life at Stanford University is the speaker for the 2017 Sarum Lectures.
The lectures, organised in partnership with Salisbury Cathedral, will look at four Anglicans from the early twentieth-century Church of England who revived spirituality at a time when people were questioning institutional religion. Their work resonates with our own ‘spiritual but not religious’ age.
Tuesday 25 April 2017
Percy Dearmer: The Sarum Rite, Art and ‘English Tradition’
Thursday 27 April 2017
Evelyn Underhill: Practical Mysticism and the Rise of Retreats
Tuesday 2 May 2017
Reginald Somerset Ward: Prayer and a Rule of Life
Thursday 4 May 2017
Rose Macaulay: “What a Heritage We Have. I Mean, We Anglicans”
Friday 5 May 2017
Seminar: Anglican Spirituality in a ‘Spiritual But Not Religious’ Age
The four lectures take place in Salisbury Cathedral, 7pm to 8pm. The seminar takes place at Sarum College, 11am to 1pm.
Each lecture is £8 or £27 for the series of four. The seminar is £12.
Those attending the lectures can stay B&B at Sarum College for the reduced price of £51 per night for a single en-suite room or £79 per night for a double/twin en-suite room.
For all booking enquiries telephone 01722 424800 or email
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