Sarum College has appointed The Revd Canon Kim Stephens as Chaplain to the Centre for Formation in Ministry, which offers training for ordination and licensed lay ministry. There are currently 47 ordination students and 16 training for lay ministry. There are also three students in their early ordained ministry engaged in further learning.
‘I am delighted and very much looking forward to joining the team at Sarum College,’ Kim Stephens says. ‘In my role as a hospital chaplain, alongside patient-centred care, I have always had a passion for developing and ensuring good staff support. Working with the staff, I recognise the demands of caring and the huge impact it often had on their own well- being.
‘Good pastoral care and support is paramount for those in any caring or ministry roles and I look forward to offering these to those training at Sarum.’
‘I have known of Kim’s work as a hospital chaplain for some years. She brings into our work experience, skill, wisdom and an understanding of ministry and its challenges. She will strengthen our team and the development of formation,’ says Sarum College Principal, the Revd Canon Professor James Woodward. ‘I regret that the pandemic has delayed this appointment but look forward to welcoming Kim and learning with and from her. ‘
Canon Stephens joins Sarum College on 1 January 2021.
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