This is an important weekend for ministry in the life of the Church of England. In normal circumstances this is the time when Women and Men would have been ordained by the Bishop as the beginning of this is new phase of discipleship and service.
Ordination is the process by which individuals are set apart and to become clergy. They are authorized to perform various religious rites and ceremonies. Of these ordinands has been prepared for ordination and they are authorised by the church to serve in a particular parish.
It is a significant moment for those of us involved in the formation of a new generation of clergy for Ministry. The team here in the Sarum centre for formation and ministry would have represented Sarum in college at these ordinations. Our students are being ordained in Bristol Cathedral, Guildford Cathedral, Wells Cathedral, Reading Minister, St Paul’s Cathedral, Chelmsford Cathedral Newcastle Cathedral. Sadly we are not able to be present to support them. Annette Young, Jill Hopkinson, Paul Burden, Julia Mourant, Beth Dodd, Sonia Woolley Ann Philp and myself offer our support and prayers for our students preparing for their ordination services.
In particular we delight in the diversity of experience and particularly the skill and quality of those women who we have been learning alongside over the past years. We wish them every blessing.
Sarum College is seeking to strengthen its provision in the equipping of collaborative ministry for clergy and lay people through framework of innovative and imaginative learning. We are building partnerships in order to ensure that Ministry is flexible, responsive, compassionate and resilient. We look forward to welcoming the newly ordained back to their College to meet new people and build upon their Learning and experience.
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