God is so not like us! yet there is affinity – a likeness between us. Jesus is brother, buddy, soul-mate, as well as being the boss.
That strange closeness, that wonderful bond between each of us and the Spirit of God – it’s such a mystery, and not just in the sense that Julian’s metaphysics is complex. Why would the Almighty take any notice of me?!
It came to mind when I noticed two splendid Hereford bulls. They had been left in a field on their own, and for several minutes were mirroring each other’s movements. That such large creatures, with a reputation for being fierce, can show such affection can be quite a surprise.
God took our human nature upon him,
and moved into the field with us.
John 1:14
God is nearer to us than our very self.
(Julian of Norwich, ‘A Revelation of Love’ Chapter 56)
enthroned in might and majesty and yet for ever one of us:
we worship You,
we adore You
– make us
more and more
like You
in all we think,
and speak,
and do. Through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.
This depends on having an icon – or a good reproduction. If you are lucky enough to have access to one, take time out to be as still in front of it as it is: just let your gaze rest on it …
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A reflection from Jennifer Brooker ObJN, who has been a frequent visitor of Sarum College. She has a degree in Modern Languages from the University of Oxford and master’s degree in theology awarded by Durham University.
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