April 2020
This picture was sent to me by friend taken on a walk in Windsor Great Park. A noble tree, fair and green standing, waiting, holding.
I was reminded by the words of advice from a spiritual mentor, who reminded me of the importance of the work of listening. “”e take the situation we are in and hold it in courage, not being beaten down by it.”
The words have come back to me in recent days when there seems to be so much concern and uncertainty and anxiety. How do we stand and hold and wait in the hopeful expectation that things will work out in time? This is spiritual work that we can all participate in for one another.
“Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 15:58
Wise and loving shepherd, guiding your people in the ways of your truth, leading us through the waters of baptism, and nourishing us with the food of eternal life, keep us in your mercy, and so guide us through the perils of evil and depth, that we may know your joy at the heart of all things, both now and for ever. Amen
Jim Cotter
Spend some time reflecting on you present situation – its blessings and challenges. Name those things which you need to listen to. Take courage in waiting and hoping in the longer view.
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