Members of the Write to Life group will give a presentation of poetry and prose at Sarum College at 6.30pm on Wednesday, 22 February.
Write to Life is Freedom from Torture’s therapeutic creative writing group. Established in 2000 by award-winning playwright Sonja Linden, it is now run by film-maker and novelist Sheila Hayman who wanted the writers to have opportunities to tell their stories.
“The Write to Life group has many purposes – assuaging survivor guilt, rebuilding self-respect, giving voice to the voiceless and, above all, taking control of calamitous and destructive memories – all intertwine powerfully,” Hayman says.
“As one writer put it, the rapt attention of an audience is like a mirror in front of her, reassuring her that, after all the horror and degradation, she is still, powerfully and triumphantly, alive.”
Write to Life’s 20 members read at a variety of festivals and, through their writing, work to correct misconceptions and myths about asylum seekers and refugees.
The evening costs £5 and is open to the public. All proceeds go to Freedom from Torture (formerly The Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture).
The presentation evening is part of The Art of Healing exhibition at Sarum College, which includes a display by the Freedom from Torture art therapy group. Further details
“Creative writing and painting are parts of our therapy in helping to rebuild lives broken through mental and physical trauma – our clients have been through unspeakable experiences: their capacity to survive and their determination to rediscover their former skills and uncover new talents is an inspiration to all,” says Keith Best, chief executive of Freedom from Torture, who will give a brief introduction to the work and challenges of the charity.
“You will not and cannot forget them – their stories leave a lasting impression of both the depths of depravity to which humanity can sink and the magnificence of the human spirit which can soar above the adversity so that the torturers do not gain the victory.”
For more information on the Write to Life group, or Freedom from Torture in general please visit their website
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