by Lindsey Crowhurst

Lindsey Crowhurst (left) and Sally Mortimore give the Lego a go.
I have recently come back from Sarum’s summer school where we were focused on ‘Story’, developing our understanding of what stories are, how we tell them and looking at God’s kingdom and building community through story.
I was mostly struck by how powerful stories are – it gave me a new appreciation and understanding of how I can use and hone my story skills to further my faith and build community around me. My eyes were opened to the subtlety and destruction that power plays, and whether I am aware of it or not, we all hold the ability to influence people for good or bad.
I particularly enjoyed our time dwelling in the word. To be able to revisit the same bible passage daily, to give it space and time to speak to us was a joy. Each day I sat with the passage, new elements were drawn to my attention, and I was able to go much deeper with the passage and with God than I thought I would be able to.
For my own personal formation I hope to continue to use dwelling in the word in my own personal quiet times, I know I will find this richly rewarding. I also am keen to listen more to others and give space for conversations to be had, for stories to be shared, and to let my walls down and allow the unspoken voices of power struggles, oppression and pain be heard and act on them when I hear them.
Lindsey Crowhurst is a first-year ordinand from Portsmouth Diocese.
This reflection is the first in a series of posts about Summer School 2024. This residential week held in late August is an annual gathering for ordination students to come together for prayer, learning, reflection and formation ahead of the academic year.
More information about Sarum College ministry programmes
Read the Reflection by Sarum College Principal James Woodward
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