Collaborative Leadership course
In recent years collaborative leadership has become a well-founded ambition for many churches and church leaders.
However, might some of our approaches to collaborative ministry not actually deliver this in practice?
This session will explore theological and organisational foundations for collaborative ministry, how this can be set as both a characteristic of a ministry team and an approach to enabling the life of a church in mission. As well as exploring collaborative leadership through different models and perspectives, the session will also offer practical suggestions and ways of working well with others, recognising the reality of the opportunities and challenges that this can bring.
At the end of the time participants will have a devised a clear action plan for their context. This session will be suitable for those with responsibility for collaborative teams as well as those who are members of them.
About the course leaders
Katy Lyne is a Chartered Occupational and Coaching Psychologist and works with leaders and teams across the Church. Working within the Church of England’s national HR team, she offers leadership, HR and organisational development consultancy to dioceses, cathedrals and parishes.
Dr Nick Shepherd FRSA is a Senior Vision and Strategy Consultant, working with bishops and senior staff in Church of England. Nick is a Visiting Scholar in the Centre for Ministry Formation at Sarum College and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Ecclesial Change with NLA College, Bergen.
Make this part of a Leadership Retreat
An opportunity to spend some time at Sarum College reflecting on leadership in the twenty-first century world and church, as well as honing your own leadership practice.
The retreat package includes the Collaborative Leadership Study Day with Nick Shepherd and Katy Lyne on Monday 18 November, the Leading in Practice Fireside Chat with the Bishop of Salisbury and Eve Poole OBE on the evening of Monday 18 November and the Leadersmithing Study Day with Eve Poole OBE on Tuesday 19 November. This stay will also include space for personal reflection and the opportunity to wander over to Salisbury Cathedral for Morning Prayer and Eucharist.
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