Sarum Course in Spiritual Direction (online) course
The Sarum Course in Spiritual Direction is an adapted version of the in-person course which shares the same values, ethos and approach to learning. It includes teaching, small group work and spiritual direction practice, supported by access to resources on SarumLearn (the virtual learning portal), including library support, with our growing range of ebooks, journals as well as a postal service.
There is an optional, additional retreat module (September 18-21 2023) for those who would like the opportunity to visit Sarum College. This module supports the Course but is not necessary for completion of the course.
The course will be held in two parts, each consisting of four two-day modules online delivered via Zoom, and supported by access to online resources.
Course dates (beginning at 9am on day one to 3:30pm on day two)
Part one
March 2-3
May 18- 19
July 6-7
September 14-15
Part two
November 16-17, 2023
Jan 11-12
March 7-8
May 16-17
I am a missionary partner with United Reformed Church, I would like to register for a course of spiritual direction. Could you please kindly send me more information about any possibilities.