Dear friends
In light of the revised government guidance issued on 24 September 2020, we have updated our policy on face coverings.
Staff, students and other visitors must wear a face covering when moving through the College’s common areas. This includes corridors, stairwells, the library and the refectory. Face coverings can be removed when seated at a library study desk and at a table in the refectory.
Face coverings also are optional for those seated at a safe distance from one another in an office or meeting room for learning, work or to provide voluntary or charitable services.
Acceptable face coverings include a face mask, scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering which fit securely round the side of the face.
Students are expected to wear face masks when moving around in common areas or in the classroom, but face masks will be optional while seated and learning as long the classroom remains set up to maintain appropriate social distancing,
Like others, lecturers are expected to wear face masks while moving amongst students or in common areas. As long as lecturing takes place at a 2m+ distance from the nearest student(s), face shields are optional whilst lecturing. Due to accessibility concerns, face masks are not allowed unless they are clear and do not obscure facial expression.
There are a number of exceptions to the face covering requirement, including children under the age of 11 and those for whom a mask exacerbates an illness or causes distress.
View the full list of exceptions
This guidance modifies the fuller update of safety measures from early September.
We will continue to review our policies as government guidance on public safety evolves.
Thank you for your continued support.
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