“In some organisations, but particularly the churches, there can be a tendency to stereotype older people as being resistant to change, lacking creativity, overcautious, slow in judgement making, uninterested in change and difficult to motivate into different ways of looking at life and especially the inner life of the soul.”
“These attitudes formed the basis of age related discrimination.” – writes Sarum College Principal James Woodward writes in ViaMedia.news.
To read the full story, visit the ViaMedia.news website
Or just in the tone of voice tell you that you are too old which has happened to me. Not kindly, not in the fairness of things when it comes to the way things are done now, no, just to say in a cruel tone that you are over the hill.
Oh goodness, April, we can’t be doing with that sort of behavior!
You might be interested in joining our What is Successful Ageing course on 21 April. Details here https://www.sarum.ac.uk/short-courses/successful-ageing/
and lots more courses about flourishing as well. Browse the calendar via this link https://www.sarum.ac.uk/short-courses/