8 July 2021
We at Sarum are delighted to be welcoming people back to College and want to keep you informed about how we’re responding to the 5 July government announcement about changes to public safety guidance from 19 July.
With the College environment, our ethic of care to students, guests and staff coming into the building in mind, from 19 July we will:
1) Maintain the cleaning regime we implemented last year, with regular airing and ventilation of gathering spaces and sanitation of high-touch surfaces.
2) Continue to request that face coverings be used when entering the College and moving through public spaces.
3) Continue to maintain some distance in seating arrangements and accommodate any special requests from event organisers for extra spacing allowances in room set up.
As we know, public safety guidance can change quickly so we will continue to monitor government advice and adapt and update as required. Should you have any concerns or queries about visiting Sarum, please do not hesitate to contact us on info@sarum.ac.uk.
Our learning programme offer a mix of online and onsite course formats. Those who live at a distance from Sarum and those with accessibility or mobility constraints have told us how much they value being able to participate in our courses online so we will continue to schedule on a regular basis.
Those who love coming to Sarum also have been vocal about their wish to come back to the College to be part of the learning community, have access to the library, to Salisbury Cathedral and the city.
We’re pleased to be working to accommodate both, with the return to onsite study days and residential courses, but also maintaining online learning that many of you have come to enjoy during the past 18 months.
Visit the courses and events calendar here
Contact us about course queries and bookings
15 June 2021
In light of the government announcement yesterday (14 June) to delay Step 4 plans to ease safety restrictions, Sarum College will operate as follows:
From 21 June, we look forward to welcoming groups and individuals who have made bookings for meetings and overnight stays. We will adjust arrangements as required to adhere to the rule of six and distancing guidance;
New bookings will be considered on a case by case basis according to the College’s capacity in terms of both space and staffing; and
We will welcome students and library members to the Sarum College Library by advance appointment. Details here
The next onsite courses are Greek and Hebrew language residentials scheduled for August. These will go ahead as planned unless there are new restrictions which prohibit this.
We look forward welcoming students and visitors this summer. Here’s an overview of the measures we have put in place to do so as safely as possible.
March 2021
Following the government announcement of a staged plan to reopen society, everyone at Sarum College is greatly anticipating the prospect welcoming visitors back from June 21, subject to the public safety conditions nearer the time.
We will be returning to work with very strict hygiene protocols for staff, students and visitors to ensure everyone’s safety.
There will be limited onsite teaching and learning for students on ministry and spiritual direction programmes from the start of Stage 3 restrictions on 17 May (subject to government change).
The Library will remain closed to visitors until 21 June (or whenever restrictions are lifted), but click & collect and postal service will continue as per usual.
Online learning programmes will continue in the meantime, and we will continue to review government guidance and adapt our protocols as public safety conditions evolve.
Please subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news on courses, learning programmes and updates on re-opening.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to Sarum College as soon as it is safe to do so.
February 2021 update
Following the Prime Minister’s 22 February 2021 announcement of the plan to ease lockdown restrictions we will extend our temporary closure in line with stage 3 of the government proposal. We will continue to respond government announcements and any changes to the phased exit from lockdown.
January 2021 update
Given the new national restrictions in response to persisting and indeed increasing covid infection rates, we have taken the decision to extend the temporary closure of our buildings to the public until early April. We will continue to review the decision as government guidance evolves, not least because in a few hours the Prime Minister is due to address the nation.
While our buildings are closed some staff continue to work behind the scenes. We are running new courses continue online and I hope that you will browse the calendar of events and join us.
The Sarum Library service will remain available via click & collect and postal borrowing as it has been throughout the past few months to all library members. The Sarum Library will be closed to all visits except in very limited circumstances and according to relevant tier restrictions for Ministry and Winchester students by agreed prior arrangement only.
We aim to use this temporary closure as constructively as we can, to improve our administration systems and prepare the buildings for re-opening.
We hope you will find something in our course offer to stimulate and inspire you during these days of limited options, and to find solace in the good company of the Sarum learning community while we cannot be together in person.
November update
Following the Prime Minister’s 31 October 2020 announcement of new public safety restrictions, Sarum College is temporarily closed to the public until the end of this lockdown period.
You can reach the College by email info@sarum.ac.uk
Please note that staff who are not on furlough may take longer to reply – thank you for your patience.
Library services have been adapted to government guidance. Details here
Like many other organisations, Sarum College is facing financial hardship given the scale of cancellations for course, accommodation and conference bookings. If you would like to make a donation to Sarum College to help our work continue to thrive, we would be extremely grateful. Details on our website here
Visiting Sarum College under the Tier system for local COVID alert levels
We continue to monitor and adhere to government guidance on public health to ensure we offer a safe environment to our guests and students.
Our visitor policy has evolved in response to the tier system announced 12 October as follows:
Sarum College is located in a Tier 1 area, which means the local COVID alert level is medium. Healthy residents in Tier 1 areas are welcome to come to Sarum College for private stays, courses and events that fall within government guidelines. Details here
People in Tier 2 where the local COVID alert level is high, are able to continue to travel to venues or amenities that are open, for work or to access education but should reduce the number of journeys they make where possible. We ask that anyone travelling to Sarum College from an area within Tier 2 should do so having given due consideration of the guidance, and balance the reason for the travel against the safety risk their own habits and lifestyle might pose to others.
The guidance advises those in Tier 3 where the local COVID alert level is very high to avoid staying overnight in another part of the UK. Therefore we are currently unable to accept private bookings from those in a Tier 3 area. Sarum students based in a Tier 3 area will be able to continue their studies online.
Thank you for considering the health and safety of others. If you have any questions, please contact us.
September guidance update
In light of the revised government guidance issued on 24 September 2020, we have updated our policy on face coverings.
Staff, students and other visitors must wear a face covering when moving through the College’s common areas. This includes corridors, stairwells, the library and the refectory. Face coverings can be removed when seated at a library study desk and at a table in the refectory.
Face coverings also are optional for those seated at a safe distance from one another in an office or meeting room for learning, work or to provide voluntary or charitable services.
Acceptable face coverings include a face mask, scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering which fit securely round the side of the face.
Students are expected to wear face masks when moving around in common areas or in the classroom, but face masks will be optional while seated and learning as long the classroom remains set up to maintain appropriate social distancing,
Like others, lecturers are expected to wear face masks while moving amongst students or in common areas. As long as lecturing takes place at a 2m+ distance from the nearest student(s), face shields are optional whilst lecturing. Due to accessibility concerns, face masks are not allowed unless they are clear and do not obscure facial expression.
There are a number of exceptions to the face covering requirement, including children under the age of 11 and those for whom a mask exacerbates an illness or causes distress.
View the full list of exceptions
This guidance modifies the fuller update of safety measures from early September.
We will continue to review our policies as government guidance on public safety evolves.
Thank you for your continued support.
This update reflects government guidelines limiting social gatherings to six people which came into effect on 14 September, and a further update on face coverings issued on 24 September.
Sarum College has implemented enhanced safety measures and continues to welcome visitors for B&B, courses and meetings.
Rest assured we are doing everything we can to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable visit.
How does it affect Sarum College hospitality?
1) Enhanced track and trace system
Staff and visitors to Sarum College are to sign in with their telephone or e-mail address so they can be contacted within 21 days should another visitor test COVID positive. In these circumstances we will contact anyone who had close contact with the person who tested positive to advise the required actions.
All visitor contact details will be disposed of through our confidential waste system after 21 days.
We ask all staff, students and guests to continue to do their part to inhibit the spread of infection:
· Wash your hands regularly (20 seconds).
· Wear a face covering when moving through the College’s common areas. This includes corridors, stairwells, the library and the refectory. Face coverings can be removed when seated at a library study desk and at a table in the refectory. Face coverings also are optional for those seated at a safe distance from one another in an office or meeting room for learning, work or to provide voluntary or charitable services. More than six people are allowed to gather for these purposes.
There are a number of exceptions to the face covering requirement, including children under the age of 11 and those for whom a mask exacerbates an illness or causes distress.
View the full list of exceptions
· Stay two metres apart from people you do not live with (or have formed a support bubble with) where possible, or one metre with extra precautions in place.
2) Social occasions
Until further notice we will not be able to host social functions for friends and family groups of more than six people.
3) Other events
We can host up to 30 people for work, and voluntary or charitable services, and for education and training.
How do the new rules affect Sarum College courses and teaching?
We are committed to continuing to provide innovative, high-quality education. We prefer to teach and offer courses on an in-person basis, but only when we know we can do it safely.
Students must wear face masks when moving around in common areas or in the classroom, but face masks will be optional while seated and learning as long the classroom remains set up to maintain appropriate social distance.
Like others, lecturers are expected to wear face masks while moving among students or in common areas. As long as lecturing takes place at a 2m+ distance from the nearest student(s), face shields are optional. In the interest of accessibility, face shields should be clear to avoid obscuring facial expression.
The Covid-safe measures we have in place as detailed above enable in-person instruction to continue, though we are – at the same time – also increasing our online provision and prepared to offer flexibility to both tutors and students who need it. As a result, we are prepared to shift to provide hybrid (online and in-person instruction) or online only delivery should the need arise in order for teaching to continue to be accessible to students.
Read the full government guidance update
Updated 23 October 2020
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